Why We Should Laugh When We Don’t Feel Like Laughing

You’ve just had a bad day, a stressful event just occurred, or you’re just in a funk. Why in the world would you want to laugh now? Well, my friends, though it may feel paradoxical at the time, this is when you need laughter the most. When you don’t feel like laughing…this is when youContinue reading “Why We Should Laugh When We Don’t Feel Like Laughing”

Laughter Yoga: Just Breathe

“Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.”~Amit Ray It is probable that at some point in your life you’ve heard the old adage: “Use it or lose it!” Likely, you came across this in terms of financial matters, vacation time, or within the fitness world realm. However, you mayContinue reading “Laughter Yoga: Just Breathe”

Slow Down and Laugh

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu Public Service Announcement: In a world that glorifies busy, it’s okay to be happy with a calm life. In fact, I fully encourage all of us to slow down and take time to love and laugh! Today’s world is filled with to-do lists, so-called urgentContinue reading “Slow Down and Laugh”

The 1, 2, 3 Knockout Reasons We Should All be Practicing Laughter Yoga vs. Relying on Spontaneous Laughter

It’s not uncommon for people to be left scratching their heads wondering why they should practice laughter yoga. I mean, why not just watch a funny movie or read a comical book to get a bit of laughter in? Well, there are three compelling reasons why laughter yoga (or simulated laughter) is more beneficial thanContinue reading “The 1, 2, 3 Knockout Reasons We Should All be Practicing Laughter Yoga vs. Relying on Spontaneous Laughter”

Shukrani Giggles

The other day, as I was perusing Amazon for some good reads, I came across the term “Shukrani” in a snippet of one of the books I was considering. I was immediately drawn to the word, and I liked the way it felt on my tongue and lips as it came out of my mouthContinue reading “Shukrani Giggles”