
Hello, and welcome to my humble little corner of the internet! Loving and Laughing is where I post healthy eats, yummy treats, and DIY feats! Food, loving, laughing, and kindness are my passions (among a billion other things), and after learning from many life lessons while seeking healing of my own, taking various nutritional and wellness classes throughout the years, and becoming a self-taught “recipe flipper”, I love taking “unhealthy” recipes and making them into something that is great for the body and tastes amazing.

Similarly, as a self-proclaimed crunchy DIYer, I love coming up with fun DIY crafts, DIY self-care products, and DIY home products that are not only fun to make, but also have beneficial qualities for both our health and the environment.

Oh, and one more thing – I’m also a certified Laughter Yoga Leader (ho ho ha ha ha), and along with that I am a big advocate of kindness and love towards all (ourselves included), and a ragamuffin saved by Papa’s grace, so you can expect some affirmation videos from time to time as well as various posts/articles about love, life, laughter and its benefits, and taking care of ourselves and others. Have a look around – I hope you like what you see!

~Laura Pennington

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor a medical professional. The information presented on this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only. One should always consult with their doctor or medical professional before taking on any sort of major dietary or lifestyle changes.