Laughter Yoga Makes the Heart Happy

It is a well-established fact in neuroscience that the brain does not know the difference between real and fake laughter, and that it responds to either one in the same way by providing us with all sorts of amazing and beneficial results when we laugh. However, when it comes to matters of the heart, itContinue reading “Laughter Yoga Makes the Heart Happy”

Healing and Processing Grief Through Laughter

I recently had a friend who went through an impactful loss in her life come to me and ask “Laura, with your laughter yoga experience, do you recommend that I laugh right now?” Before, I explain my response, let me preface this post by saying that I am fully aware of the sensitive nature ofContinue reading “Healing and Processing Grief Through Laughter”

Use Laughter Yoga to Bring Out Your Duchenne Smile

Most people think that a smile is just a smile, but it is actually the case that there are a couple of different types of smiles out there – not just in appearance, but also in the scientific realm. One such type of smile is called the Duchenne smile, which involves the entire face, andContinue reading “Use Laughter Yoga to Bring Out Your Duchenne Smile”

Could Laughter Yoga Help Students with Test Anxiety?

Anybody that follows my blog and videos knows that I am a proud laughter yogi and that loving others, laughing with others, and spreading the word about laughter yoga is a great passion of mine. However, an equal love of mine is mathematics, and I have been working in math education for many years teachingContinue reading “Could Laughter Yoga Help Students with Test Anxiety?”

The Benefits of Laughter Yoga for Cancer Patients

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds, and diamonds are made under pressure.” ~Peter Marshall With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to be sure to get a post up about the benefits of laughter yoga for cancer patients and those that love themContinue reading “The Benefits of Laughter Yoga for Cancer Patients”